how long How long ~ ?(どのくらいの間~ですか?) 暗記例文 How long have you been a member of the soccer team? (そのサッカーチームのメンバーになってどのくらい経つのですか?) 応用例文 2015.03.13 how long
how many How many ~?(どのくらい~ですか?) 暗記例文 How many laps did you jog last night? (昨日の夜は、何周ジョギングしたの?) I jogged three laps. (3周ジョギングしたよ。) 応用例文 How many pupies d... 2015.03.09 how many
how often How often ~?(どのくらいの頻度で~ですか?) 暗記例文 How often does he go jogging in Yoyogi park? (どのくらいの頻度で彼は代々木公園にジョギングに行くのですか?) He goes jogging there twice a week. (... 2015.03.09 how often